Privacy Policy


This policy sets out the Australian Science Innovations (ASI) obligations towards its stakeholders and the management of personal and private information.

Australian Science Innovations ABN 8173 155 8309 (referred to as “ASI”, “our”, “we”, or “us”) is committed to protecting your privacy and personal information in accordance with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Act), including the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).

The APPs establish requirements for the way entities collect, store and use an individual’s personal information. Our aim is to ensure the information you provide to us is handled in a secure, efficient and confidential manner. Details of what we collect and how it is used are contained in this policy. By using any of our services, visiting our website (, or giving us your personal information, you agree to your information being collected, stored, used and disclosed on the terms set out in this Policy.


This policy applies to all ASI:

  • Staff
  • Volunteers
  • Board members
  • Service providers
  • Customers including:
    • Students
    • Teachers
    • Administrators
    • Parents

1. Collection of Information

1.1 Collection of Personal Information

  • We will only collect personal information by lawful and fair means and where that information is reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or activities (see paragraph 3 of this Policy).
  • We generally collect your personal information directly from you.
  • We may collect the following types of “personal information”, where required, including but not exclusively:
    • your full name, date of birth and other personal information such as your gender;
    • your contact information, such as email addresses, a postal and residential address and telephone number(s);
    • your school name and your school address;
    • your parents’ or your guardians’ full names and your parents or guardians’ contact number(s) and address(es);
    • your or your parents’ or guardians’ credit card and bank account details;
    • your visa and passport details;
    • information that you provide for the purpose of registering on our website and the transactions carried out over our website (including maintaining your profile);
    • information about your use of our website, products and services offered by ASI;
    • records and content of any communications between us and you; and
    • other personal information provided to us in the course of ASI providing services to you.
  • When collecting personal information from you, we will provide you with access to this policy.
  • We will only collect personal information from a third party where it is appropriate, given the nature of the services, or where it is unreasonable or impractical to collect the information directly from you. Such third parties may include your parents or guardians, your school, or a national or international organisation with whom you have competed which maintains a public record.
  • Your personal information may be collected and stored on third-party cloud services that are based overseas and by using our sites you consent to the transfer and processing of information. These platforms have restrictive access and can only be accessed by ASI employees who will use the information exclusively for ASI-related activities and operations. In these cases, we endeavour to ensure access to your information can only occur with authorisation.
  • Providing us with certain types of personal information is optional (we will tell you when such information is optional). However, if you do not provide us with that information, you may be unable to enjoy the full functionality of our website or our goods and services.

1.2 Collection of Sensitive Information

  • Sensitive information is defined in the Act as information which includes an individual’s ethnic origin, beliefs (whether political, religious or philosophical), sexual orientation, criminal history, medical information, health, genetics and membership of political or trade associations.
  • We will collect sensitive information with the relevant individual’s consent and where the collection is reasonably necessary for one or more of the Purposes at paragraph 3 of the Policy. Generally, the type of sensitive information we will collect from you will relate to your medical background, working with vulnerable people check status, allergies and dietary requirements.
  • An individual’s consent is not required to collect sensitive information where the collection of that information is required or authorised by or under any Australian law or a court order, or where a permitted general situation exists (as defined in section 16A of the Act).

2. Storage of, and Access to, Personal Information

2.1 Storage and Security of Personal Information

  • We strive to provide an environment which ensures that personal information (including sensitive information) is stored in a secure and confidential manner. Your personal information will be stored in electronic format with systems in place for the security of both the computers network, business premises and external service providers (if applicable). We are not responsible for the privacy, information or other practices of any third parties.
  • We will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to protect the personal information from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We will retain your personal information so long as it is personal information necessary or relevant to our Purposes.
  • If you cease to participate in the programs offered by ASI, all your personal information will be kept for seven (7) years to enable you to re-join and participate in the competitions offered by ASI. However, we may (in our absolute discretion), destroy or de-identify your data, thirty (30) days after you cease to be a participant of ASI programs.

2.2 Access to Personal Information

  • It is important that you ensure that your personal information is kept up to date at all times.
  • A user is entitled to request access to the personal information ASI holds about him or her by making a request in writing to the Executive Director of ASI. We will respond to the request and provide access to the information within a reasonable time. There will be no charges associated with the making of such a request or the subsequent provision of information.
  • Despite the above paragraph, we are not required to give you access if clause 12.3 of Schedule 1 of the Act applies or if a ‘permitted general situation’ is defined in section 16A of the Act which includes (but is not limited to):
    • where we have reason to suspect that unlawful activity, or misconduct of a serious nature, that relates to our functions or activities has been, is being or may be engaged in and we reasonably believe that the collection, use or disclosure is necessary for us to take appropriate action;
    • we reasonably believe that the collection, use or disclosure is reasonably necessary to assist in locating a person who has been reported missing; or
    • the collection, use or disclosure is reasonably necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal or equitable claim.

2.3 Correction of Personal Information

  • It is important to us that your personal information is up to date.
  • Where an individual requests that we correct the personal information we hold about that individual, we will take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the circumstances to correct the information. We are entitled to refuse to correct the personal information, provided that we give the individual a written notice containing the reasons for the refusal.
  • Where we are satisfied that the information we hold about an individual is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, we will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to correct the information.

3. The Purposes of which we collect Personal Information

3.1 Purposes

  • We collect personal information only to the extent that such information is reasonably prudent or necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of our Purposes.
  • Please be aware that it is impractical for us to deal with an individual and carry out any of the Purposes if the individual does not identify himself or herself sufficiently.

3.2 Description of the Purposes

The “Purposes” of ASI include (but are not limited to) the collection, use and exchange of your personal and sensitive information:

  • to fulfil ASI’s functions and activities including:
    • to facilitate and develop support competitions and programs in schools across Australia;
    • to promote and facilitate science competitions and programs to students;
    • to compile statistics so that we better understand the effectiveness of our activities;
    • to provide de-identified information for research purposes
    • to promote and facilitate students’ participation in international science competitions including the Asian Science Camp and the International Science Olympiads;
    • to announce and present students’ achievements at national and international science competitions and programs on our website,
  • so that we can:
    • use the personal information in relation to services ASI may provide to you in the future;
    • administer our products and services, including engaging third parties to facilitate our services;
    • send to you statements and invoices and collect payments from you;
    • contact you, including send you marketing communications;
    • conduct and improve our business and improve the student experience;
    • comply with any legal obligations we may have;
    • use the personal information in relation to any proceedings (whether commenced by you or against you and whether or not we are also a party to those proceedings); and
    • in other ways where permitted by law.

4. Disclosure of Personal Information

4.1 Disclosure of Information within Australia

  • In order for ASI to carry out any one or more of the Purposes, it may be necessary for us to disclose your personal information and/or sensitive information to third parties:
    • who are engaged by us to provide services, or to undertake functions or activities on our behalf
    • registered training organisations, schools or universities to verify details submitted by you
    • to facilitate and strengthen our marketing, branding and partnership efforts.
  • We must only use or disclose personal information and sensitive information for the Purpose or Purposes for which it was collected. We must not use or disclose personal information and sensitive information for any other purpose (a secondary purpose) unless:
    • the relevant individual consents to that use or disclosure of the information;
    • the individual would reasonably expect ASI to use or disclose the information for the secondary purpose and the secondary purpose is related to one or more of the Purposes; or
    • the use or disclosure of the information is required or authorised by or under an Australian Law.

4.2 Disclosure of Information outside Australia

  • ASI does disclose personal information to persons and entities that are not in Australia but we will take all reasonable steps to obtain the consent of the individual to whom the information relates to share the personal information to overseas entities. These entities include organisations that host international science Olympiads for students. We may also need to provide this information to overseas governmental departments for visa or travel purposes. The personal information that is disclosed to these international organisations includes:
    • your full name, date of birth and other personal information such as your gender;
    • your contact information, such as email addresses, a billing address and telephone number(s);
    • your visa and passport details;
    • your dietary requirements and/or medical information; and
    • your arrival and departure dates.
  • ASI may only disclose personal information to a person or entity that is not in Australia (the Overseas Recipient) without the relevant individual’s consent in circumstances where:
    • we reasonably believe that the Overseas Recipient is subject to a law that affords protection of personal information that is substantially similar to the protection afforded under the Act and we can enforce such protection under the overseas law; and
    • we take reasonable steps to ensure that the Overseas Recipient acts in accordance with the APPs in relation to the storage, use and disclosure of the personal information.

5. Direct marketing

5.1 Direct Marketing

  • Direct marketing occurs where entities use the personal information they collect to market related or other goods and services to the individual who provided the information. For example, we send an email newsletter.
  • We may use or disclose personal information to third parties for the purposes of ASI direct marketing. We will not provide personal information or sensitive information to third parties for their own direct marketing.
  • You are entitled to request that you do not receive direct marketing communications from us by contacting us on the details listed at the beginning of this Policy or by clicking “Unsubscribe” where available. We will give effect to any such request.

6. Responding to Data Breaches

6.1 Responding to a Data Breach

ASI has a Responding to Data Breach Policy that details the response we will take if a data breach is suspected.

7. Changes to this Policy

7.1 Changes to this Policy

  • We encourage you to check our Policy from time to time to ensure that you understand and agree with the changes that are made. If you do not agree with this Policy then you should not access or use our website, or order our goods or use our services.
  • We reserve the right to make amendments to this Policy from time to time in our absolute discretion.

8. Privacy Policy Complaints and Enquiries

8.1 Contacting ASI

Should you have any queries about the Policy or the APPs, or wish to request information or lodge a complaint about a potential breach of the APPs, please contact ASI as follows:

Attention: Executive Director
Phone: 02 6125 6275
Address: Research School of Physics, 60 Mills Road, Acton, ACT 2610

We will endeavour to respond to an individual communication within thirty (30) days.

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