
Global Excellence: International Schools shine in the Big Science Competition

  • Big Science Competition
The Big Science Competition, open to students in years 7 to 10 across the world, provides an opportunity for participants to test their science knowledge and showcase their talents on the global stage. Every year, outstanding schools from Australia and around the world emerge as top performers in our international science competition.

Last year we had 44 international schools participate, with students not only expanding their scientific knowledge and problem solving skills, but also practicing their written English and receiving a certificate to display in their portfolio. Their teachers can proudly demonstrate the positive impact they are having on their class, preparing the students for a future in the global science industry.

We recently interviewed educators from the top performing international schools, to ask what benefits the Big Science Competition has on their students and school.

Ramya Sundaram is Head of Science at Tai Kwong Hilary College in Hong Kong, a school with over 500 students. When asked why the college has participated in the Big Science Competition for the last 4 years, the chemistry and math teacher says, “We want our students to improve their application skills in familiar and unfamiliar situations in science subjects.” With many top performing students amongst their ranks, they are certainly meeting their goal.

Ramya definitely recommends other teachers get their students involved in the Big Science Competition.

At the Australian Independent School in Jakarta, Indonesia, Mark Wilkinson is the Head of Science and teacher of IB Chemistry. When asked why the school of 400 students decided to participate in the Big Science Competition in 2024, he says, “We follow the ACARA curriculum up to Year 10 and this was an opportunity to see how our students science abilities compare with students from mainstream schools in Australia.”

His advice to anyone thinking of sitting the competition? “The questions may take a bit of getting used to but once you have gone through it once, it will give you an opportunity to bring a range of thinking skills into your science classes.”

The Australian International School in Hong Kong, which has 1200 students, has been participating for four years. Andrew Hill, Head of Science, says, “Participation in the Big Science Competition gives students and teachers a benchmark for thinking about strengths and weaknesses in science understanding.”

What would he say to someone thinking of doing the Big Science Competition? “The BSC will give you a good indication of your abilities in the application of scientific concepts and thinking skills.

Keen science teacher, Ilah Yumul, is from the Ming Dao High School in Taichung City, Taiwan. The school, with 268 pupils in the International Department, has been getting students involved in the Big Science Competition for 2 years. The reason? “Our school participates in the Big Science Competition to benchmark performance, assess students’ science competency, and provide a challenging academic experience.”

When asked if she would recommend it, Ilah says, “Go for it! It encourages students to think critically, take risks, and engage in scientific inquiry—aligning with key IB Learner Profile traits like Inquirers, Thinkers, and Risk-takers. The competition also helps develop essential ATL skills such as research, critical thinking, and reflection, connecting students to a broader scientific community and deepening their global perspective.

The Big Science Competition is a great opportunity for small international schools and departments to benchmark student performance globally while fostering international-mindedness.”
Students of Tai Kwong Hilary College in Hong Kong receiving their Big Science Competition certificates in 2024.
Students of Tai Kwong Hilary College in Hong Kong receiving their Big Science Competition certificates in 2024.

Find out how the Big Science Competition can help your students shine on the world stage this year.


Registrations are open for the 2025 Big Science Competition!