
Dr Laura McKemmish – 2006 Summer School Physics

  • Dr Laura McKemmish – 2006 Summer School Physics image

Introducing Dr Laura McKemmish, an alum from the 2006 Summer School – Physics.

What did you study at University?
I studied a Bachelor of Advanced Science at the University of Sydney, majoring in Physics with Chemistry Honours combining quantum chemistry and quantum computers. I completed a PhD at the ANU in May 2015 studying Theoretical and Computational Quantum Chemistry, developing and implementing a new method.

I then went to London to work as a post-doc at University College London for 3.5 years on producing high-accuracy molecular spectral data enabling detection of new molecules in hot Jupiter exoplanets.

What are you doing now?
I am a Lecturer in the School of Chemistry at the University of New South Wales, specialising in theoretical and computational quantum chemistry for astrochemistry applications.

Tell us about your top two achievements since you left school.
I’ve started a vibrant research group with two excellent PhD students and many undergraduates who support each other.

I’m also proud of starting multiple major outreach programs focusing on sustainability, equity and excellence. For example, SciX@UNSW, Yr 12 Biosignatures Chemsitry Depth Studies, PhysFilmMakers and expanding Original Research by Young Twinkle Scientists (ORBYTS).

What would you like to do in the future?
Pursue exciting astrochemistry projects with an excellent growing and evolving team of young scientists. I’m looking forward to mentoring and developing our next generation of scientists.

What do you like to do outside of work?
A million and one different types of craft – lately it’s been soap making, diamond art and colouring, but in the past I’ve enjoyed scrapbooking, latch hook, knitting, crochet and more!
I also like playing simulation and strategy video games like Satisfactory, Rimworld and Fire Emblem.

In what way did ASI programs support you in your career and studies?
It helped establish my friend circle quickly at university (I later became grooms maid to a friend I met at the Olympiad training school).

It also provided the best training in errors that I probably ever got, including as an undergraduate who majored in physics. Definitely something for the universities to learn there.

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